

A few additions can turn your bedroom into a romantic getaway. From lighting to souvenirs, there are several easy ways to create a space that is comfortable and made just for you and your partner.



1. Adopt the appropriate textures. The softness of a knitted rug, the luxury of a faux fur, or a delicate lace fit in this space and can give a sense of romance.



2. Layering. Blankets and decorative pillows ensure a comfortable, attractive, and stylish result. In addition, they turn the bed into a cozy nest.



3. Proper lighting is the key. The bright, harsh, white lights, reminiscent of sterile hospital waiting rooms, are completely unsuitable for the bedroom area. The key here is to keep your lighting options low and warm. A beautiful chandelier with a dimmer switch, for example, can add atmosphere, while vintage sconces can create a pleasant, relaxing environment.



4. Add a little life. Flowers fresh, from fabric or even in the patterns of the covers always add a touch of freshness and attract you to spend more time in the space.



5. Live a little… in bed. A breakfast-bed for two, every now and then, is one of life's simple luxuries. In fact, breaking the routine and enjoying a hot first meal is a great way to spend some extra time together.



6. Create a comfortable corner. Even a small recess can be turned into a cozy shelter. Find a corner that suits you and place one or - if space allows - two seats. So you will have one more reason to spend more time in the bedroom.



7. The room should represent both. Create a space that suits both, where you can feel at home and relax. Take into account the style and preferences of the other. Add some photos or souvenirs to create an intimate environment where you will both feel welcome.


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